Friday, June 13, 2008

We're roundin' 3rd!!!

As much as Caden has enjoyed his time out....we are starting round 5 tomorrow!!!!! I know, silly to be excited about that, but it holds more meaning then you'd think. It means that his counts have come up enough that they do not think the leukemia is back and he does not need to have the bone marrow aspiration today. It also means that the sooner we start this round the sooner we will be HOME!!! I am hoping to catch some of the Alaskan summer but it is looking unlikely. The weather here is actually not as nice right now as home. Go figure. C'est la vie. I am hoping for an uneventful 5th round and a speedy recovery. In a perfect world right?? Except our world is so far from perfect. I am actually grateful for that. How boring life would be if all were perfect. I am also grateful for all of my family, friends, and everyone across the globe praying for us. Strange how we have become part of the lives of people all over the world. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Kim Miller (Enos now). I don't know if you remember me, but Cyndi was telling me about your son on myspace. I have 4 kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. I just had #4 a month ago. I pray you and Caden can go home soon and that you both have the strength to get through this. She gave me the website to check it out and see how his progress is. If you remember me, my email is Take care and God bless you all.