Friday, September 5, 2008

Sooooooo GOOD to be HOME!!!!

We are back in Alaska. Trying to get back into a normal routine. Well...semi-normal all things considered. It is so good to be home. I feel like I lived an entirely different life in Seattle. This definitely was a growing experience for all of us! The boys were so excited to be home. It was like Christmas in August with all the toys and things they have not seen or played with since January!!!

We made it back in time for Cameron to start school on August 20 with all of his old friends. He is in second grade now and doing great. It is amazing how resilient children are. We can learn a lot from them!! Caden should go back into childcare soon which means I will be able to get back to work. It may sound a little odd to some but I am so very thrilled to be going back to work!!!!

I feel so very blessed. I have the most amazing mother in the world. Two wonderful children. A great job. Not to mention my home and car thanks to all of the employees who donated their annual leave!

So now we just pray that the cancer does not come back. Caden will go into clinic once a month for blood work and check-up. Thank you to everyone that supported, prayed, sent good thoughts and care packages to us. I hope you all will continue to pray and keep us in your hearts and minds.

1 comment:

The Pascoals said...

Schelly - feeling much joy for you and your family. So glad you are home where you belong. :-)