Friday, April 11, 2008

Over Halfway Now

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Caden is doing so much better. He is still on antibiotics for his infection but his fever is gone and he is eating and drinking again. It was a miracle. After I sent out the last update, he sat up on his own and said he was ready to take the Tylenol. His counts are recovering and he should officially be done with round three on Monday. They will discharge us and he will get a short break from the hospital before starting the most dreadful round. Intensification II (round 4) will by far be the hardest. On all of us. Unfortunately I am alone again. My mom and Cameron had to go to California for a few weeks. I did it before I can do it again. I have made some really awesome friends here offering moral support. A good friend from California is flying up tomorrow for a visit also. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. I hope everyone is enjoying this nice spring weather (Alaska contacts excluded, haha). I have not been able to get out much but I can still enjoy it from the window in his room. We will be able to get out some once he is discharged next week. Please continue your prayers and warm thoughts for us, they are all greatly appreciated.

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