Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We have been home for just about 2 months. All is going pretty well. Caden got what may have been pink eye the first week back in childcare. He is in a smaller home setting so I have no idea where it came from if even that is what he had. Oh well. He needs to build up his immunities anyway. He should be going in for more blood work either late this week or early next week. I am confident that he is doing great!!! He starts speech therapy at Providence on Thursday. We are very blessed to get him in so soon! Hopefully he will be fine once it is time for him to start Kindergarten. Less then a year! My they grow so fast! Cameron is doing awesome in school and he starts basketball this week. He is also doing Cub Scouts. Whewwww...the life of a single mom is exhausting! I will post again in a week or so and let everyone know how his counts were. Thank you to all who still pray and send warm thoughts our way!

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