Saturday, November 15, 2008

And another blow...

3 months home now and life has been crazy. Caden's health has gone back and fourth, counts up and down. He has had the stomach flu recently and is coming down with something else (at least that's what his drs think based on his counts). They told me not to worry, that this is normal after treatment. It does not mean he is relapsing. The nurse told me that he may get sick frequently for the next year or so. Wow. I have so much to be grateful for, but this sure is making life tough. I started a new job and to say the least they are not pleased that I am out as much as I am, but what else can I do??? I am all Caden has up here in Alaska. Other then that, Caden is doing awesome. He is enjoying childcare and speech therapy. Oh...wait...there is one other thing. His left ear keeps bleeding. The dr did not know why and recommended I take him to see the ENT who tubed his ears. When Caden was down at Children's they told me the tube had come out of left ear and the tube was still in his right ear. The tube is still in his right ear but I never saw the tube in his left ear come out. So Caden saw the ENT on Thursday night. As I feared, the tube had gone down into his ear and the ear drum healed over it sealing it in. A bloody polyp has formed over the drum, and naturally the ear is trying to push the tube out, which causes the polyp to bleed. The ENT will have to put him under anesthesia and remove the polyp and dried blood and tissue, cut through the ear drum, remove the tube, and patch up the drum. She will also remove the tube in the right ear while he is under. Geez. Poor guy. As if he hasn't been through enough. He is such a trooper though!

I am so busy...with cub scouts, basketball, oncologists, speech therapists, working full time, running a household, and now the ENT! Some days I feel like Superwoman and some days I am so exhausted I barely resemble anything super and don't feel very womanly! hahaha

Thanksgiving is coming up and we have no plans. It will be a little lonely. I guess the three of us are staying home. That's ok...we are all thankful to be here!

I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday!


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