Saturday, January 23, 2010

A New Year! sorry it has been so long since I posted. I don't even know that anyone reads this blog anymore. In case there are still a few people checking in, we are doing great! The boys are loving the Seattle Area and their school. I am doing very well at my job. We are all thankful Caden is still in remission. He had an appointment in November at Seattle Children's and his counts were doing well and his echo was normal. They had to check his heart because one of the most common side effects of the treatment he had was weakening of the heart muscles. He has a normal strong healthy little boy heart. :) He is now going to start his long term care. So he will be seen every 3 months and they will check for any other side effects and continue taking blood for counts. I guess there isn't much more to say. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! We are really looking forward to spring and summer. Praise God for good health.

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