Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Boys Are HOME!!!

The boys are finally back from Cali and settling in their new home. They had an amazing summer down there. They were both in school for a trimester and now they will start school here in WA on Monday! They are both much bigger than when they left. It's amazing how fast time goes by.

Caden was seen at Seattle Children's Hospital a couple days ago. He has an ear infection and is still getting over his bronchial infection. His counts have dropped some, but they are not concerned about it yet. His body is having a rough time producing platelets. His count right now is 129,000 and normal count would be 250,000. I am just hoping his body is still recovering and it will just take some more time.

We are looking forward to having full seasons here and I think this will be a very healthy place for both of the boys. Your continued prayers are always appreciated.

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