Monday, February 25, 2008

Round Two

Well...he finished the chemo yesterday for this second round. Now we wait, and wait, and wait.... We will wait again for his counts to drop and then rebound. Unfourtunately because he was having fevers again and an allergic reaction to the chemo, we have to stay in the hospital until he is safe to go to the McDonald House. I guess that's not a bad thing, but the cafeteria food sure is!!!

I am back in Seattle now and Cameron is with me. Caden was so happy to see his brother and this will be very good for both of them. Cameron should start school either tomorrow or Wednesday. He will attend the Hutch School. A special school for cancer patients and their siblings. Very, very low teacher to student ratio so he will have a lot of one on one and for that reason he will have 4 hour school days.

So we will finish up this induction and then 3 more to go. The chemo he recieved this time was the same as the last round both type and dosage, but his little body had a rough time with it. It makes me wonder if his little body can take 3 more rounds. From here, the next 3 rounds will have new drugs added and the dosages increased. I am scared. Last Tuesday I heard words from my child I never want to hear again. Knocked the breath out of me. No parent should ever hear their child tell them they are dying. It was scary. Please continue to pray. We need it and it's helping more than most of you probably know.

I just want to send out a special thank you to all of you that have been supporting me through this emotionally. I am able to stay strong because of all of you. My new friends here that take the time to visit Caden and talk to me, and the ones in Alaska that write and send care packages, and of course my family in California with their support. It really does mean the world to me. The friends that took the time to visit with me when I was in Alaska the last few days, will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank you all for your love and support!

Schelly, Cameron and Caden

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