Thursday, March 6, 2008

And we wait...

So...a couple more weeks in the hospital and then he should have a few days off at the McDonald House. This is the most boring part, but no news now is good news. Caden doesn't really have much of an appetite and he's not eating very healthy, bu the Dr.'s are only concerned about him getting the calories. They aren't concerned with where they come from. At least he isn't losing weight this round.

Caden was very excited to see his brother. Although they have their sibling rivalry moments, they are good for each other. Actually Cameron is very good at encouraging Caden to eat and drink; partly because Caden sees Cameron doing it. You know the food on someone elses plate always looks better and Cameron is very good about sharing!

My mother of course is the biggest blessing of all and I just hope one day I can do as much for my children as she has done for me. The reason I am able to stay strong and overcome is because of her.

So far so good. I am worried a bit because for the third induction they will be increasing the dosage of chemotherapy. He had a rough start for the second induction, severe allergic reactions and fevers, and the dosages were the same as the first induction.

I am also concerned because I only have two more pay periods of paid leave left and then I don't know what I will do. I am worried I will lose my home and car and then what will I take Caden back to when this is all over? I know though that those things are just "things" and somehow either way it will all work out.

Please continue to pray. I have placed all of this in God's hands and trust that we will be taken care of.


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